Best Practices of a Successful QA/QI Program

  • In-Person Training

About this course

The Denise Amber Lee tragedy rocked headlines and gained national attention because of the absolute perfect storm of errors and mistakes that were made in January of 2008. In 2015, The Denise Amber Lee Foundation was a driving force behind the first ever ANSI Standard for the Establishment of a Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Program for Public Safety Answering Points, Five board members from the foundation were part of the comprehensive national workgroup that crafted this document.

Come and hear Sherrill, the Quality Assurance Director of the Denise Amber Lee Foundation, and Nathan Lee, President and CEO, as they inspire, motivate, and help drive you to create a comprehensive Quality Assurance/Improvement process for your communications center. (8 hour course)

Upcoming Best Practices of a Successful QA/QI Program Presentations

11 Oct
"Best Practices of a Successful QA/QI Program" O'Fallon, MO 10/11/2024
Best Practices of a Successful QA/QI Program
City of O'Fallon Police Department

Let's talk about "Best Practices of a Successful QA/QI Program"